Another new Sump?
Yes, I know what you’re thinking. Another one? Already?
Well it goes something like this.
We went to the Players show over in Essex. A lovely event, that I make sure I go to every year. This year however, I had to drive down some roads I didn’t know. That’s when things went wrong.
Yup, I hit a raised manhole cover.
I wasn’t expecting that. Didn’t look too bad initially. Oil wasn’t leaking and the oil pressure was fine. *Phew*
Ordered a new sump from ECP while I was at the show, ready for the following week. Keen for this not to happen again, I took the pan to a friend of mine who is a good welder.
Step one, move the drain plug somewhere else. This is the lowest point of the pan, and they always rub through!
Next add in a nice skid plate!
Weld it nicely round the edges. Then a lick of paint!
Yes of course it was blue. This also helps to see where and if I scrape it again! (You can see the location of the new drain point in these pictures too!)
Sadly when I went to fit it, I found this:
Yep, the oil pump was cracked. A new pump was ordered at £70 and fitted at the same time!
The new sump has been great, no bashing now, and safe in the knowledge that it will take a few hits before it causes any issues!
Next time… Finishing steps!
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